Hunting & Tracking

Use every part, respectfully, knowing that our ancestors became the soil that turned into the plants that fed the animals. Go for a quick, pain- free kill. Do not overhunt. Do not hunt endangered species or pregnant mothers. Think seven generations ahead. Shoot sport hunters. See also: “Field Dressing Animals”.

animal anatomy
zoology [ animals ' feeding , watering , sleeping , housing & habitat , predators ]
population dynamics & seasonal hunting
rabbit stick [ selection ; hardening ; throwing]
atlatl & spear throwing [ safety ; composition ; staff selection ; carving ; heating ; straightening ; spearhead knapping ; hafting spearheads ; gluing , binding , tying ; sanding ]
slings & slingshots
frog gigs
fire-hardening spears
bow-making [ standard v. quickie v. bunch ; composition ; staff selection ; cutting ; splitting ; curing ; preserving backing ( summer growth age ring ); marking outlines w/ charcoal ; thinning w/ drawknife & hatchet ; reducing ends (thin-tips for speed , lessshock); rasping (handle esp ., indented handle for center-fire accuracy); heating ; fire - &vice-straightening; backing ; oiling; gradual tillering on wood or knee (checking evenbend); rasping again; making low-contact arrow shelf; nocking ends at angle ; threading & waxing string ; stringing ; wrap handle for quieter shot; rounding edges ; smoothening & sanding ; firing ]
archery [ stance – assume perpendicular stance ; nock arrow || draw & aim set bowhand; set draw hand hook ; raise bow then draw; anchor ; align sight & level bow ; steadybow || release & follow-through – tighten back muscles ; relax draw hand to release ;keep bow arm up & steady]
VietCong crossbow [ carving ; stringing ; marksmanship ; arrows ; quivers ]
arrows [ sight it, roll it, bind it; arrowhead knapping ; hafting arrowheads ; gluing , binding , fletching , tying ; sanding ; quiver-making; foreshaft-tailshaft arrows ]
bow-making tools [ adze , standing vise ]
firearms or crossbows [ safety ; purchasing; composition ; dis /assembling; cleaning ; ammunition ; maintaining , repairing ; replacing parts ; storing; marksmanship ]
blowguns [ safety ; composition ; barrel making ; dart making ; shooting ]
tick & flea identification
viruses & disease [e.g. hantavirus , lyme disease ]
camouflage philosophy [ shape ; shadow ; shine ; sillhouette; surface ; sound ; smell;movement]
camouflage & stealth [fox-walking; wide-angle vision ; ghillie suits , wind walking, scent hiding]
lures & calls
tracking & counter-tracking media [ patterning , scat , leftovers , rubbings , tracks , hair , stains , displacement , transfers, compressions , depressions ]
tracking & counter-tracking objectives [ stride ; straddle ; speed ; direction ; aging; ball & heel width; length ; crispness; initial & terminal contact points ; pitch ; mass ; depth]
tracking & counter-tracking techniques [ quick scan , linear search , round search; tracking pits ; tracking stick; sighting stick; silhouetting ; shadowing ; sideheading]
non-human track identification [ toe number ; toe placement; toe pad shape ; nails ; fur ; palm pad ; heel pad ; negative space ]
human track identification [shoulder-height broken & bent limbs ; hip-level treescarring; displaced ground objects ; mudprints]
track patterns [ direct register walks; overstep walks; direct register trots ; oversteptrots; hops; bounds ; lopes; gallops; 2x2 lopes; bipedal hops; bipedal skips ]
dwellings [ beds ; lays; wallows; baths ; nests ; burrows; dens ; cavities ]
trails [ runs ; ridges ; tunnels ; eskers ; water ]
sign cutting [ natural lines of drift – downward, linear ; orientation toward lights ; plotting charts ]